Virtual Group Rides

Say goodbye to boring trainer rides!

Introducing Velocity

Live Instruction, Live Data Feedback

Velocity is the only virtual riding platform designed for the endurance community that incorporates live instruction from a coach, allowing real-time tips and insights.

Enjoy a structured class focused on the critical nuances of endurance cycling such as metabolic training, form, pacing, shifting, cadence, climbing/descending, and more. Live classes will be offered along with live replays and on-demand classes to fit any schedule.

Join us weekly for $49/mo. or simply drop into a class anytime for just $10.

Please sign a waiver prior to your first attendance. You only have to sign it once. It is good for the remainder of the year.

“I think you do a great job being a coach and motivator…It was just genuine and helpful…I Iiked the little bit of competition with the points too!”

— Ginsie

Beat the Heat! Join me for weekly indoor trainer rides. Improve your outdoor rides with skills-based training.

Note: Smart Trainer (or separate power and cadence source) and heart rate monitor are required. You can participate on a Peloton but won’t have real time data.


Note: All times are Eastern Time Zone


Live 7:00 – 8:00 PM


Saturday will be a mix of longer live rides or an outdoor ride. Check out our ride destinations and schedule HERE.

Training Library

Live rides are scheduled regularly. You’ll want to attend as many live rides as possible to get personalized feedback on your form and ride compliance.

Live rides are recorded and replayed so you and your friends can still ride together and be led through a workout by a coach.

Skills Focus

In addition to your ride history, Velocity compiles a unique compliance chart for each workout. Completing a workout as planned is essential to improving your skills, developing your energy systems, and preventing overtraining and burnout as you work toward your goals.

As you train with immediate compliance feedback, not only do you improve faster, but you develop more discipline.